
Earn with Domain Auctions

Usually Publishers make a bulk of their online income with CPC, Inline Ads and Affiliate Marketing. One aspect of online earning mostly neglected is "Earning through Domain Auctions". Domains can influence Search Engine Rankings to a significant extent. Getting the right domain for your site is the first step towards a healthy online earning. You could purchase domains at service providers such as GoDaddy who along with Domains also provide other services like Dedicated Hosting Services, Virtual IP and also Private Registration.

Agencies like GoDaddy and Sedo allow you to auction your domains. The Domain owner has to first establish his/her ownership and then go ahead and state the High and the Low of the bid amount. You could also set preferences such as "Buy-Now Only". It is very important to understand the value of the domain before they are put to auction. Often Domain owners request for an exaggerated sum of money for their domains. It is usually a good option to get your domain appraised by some good agency before going ahead with the bid.

One such agency is "Cubestat". It is a free service and you get an approximate value of your site. This could provide you the much needed price-range for setting up the auction. There are many factors which might influence the price of domains. Some of them are:

  • Age of Domain
  • Hyphenated Domains
  • 2-3 Letter Domains
  • Abbrevated Domains

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Tame the Might Adsense

How could you possibly tame the mighty Adsense? The answer surprisingly is to "Play by the Rules". Yes, it is the most common mistake made by inexperienced publishers - Click Frauds. You cannot get away with huge sums of money by engaging in click frauds. Most likely it would be tracked and your Adsense account would be terminated forever without any explanation. So, how to Make Millions Online using Adsense?

The biggest challenge for Publishers is to get quality Organic Traffic. Higher Traffic usually translates to higher Adsense Earnings. Once you manage to get the required impressions, you could go ahead and tune other parameters such as Ad Placement, Ad Blending and Ad Management. These advanced topics are very important and could result in huge increase in CTR and hence bigger pay-checks.

To get more Organic Traffic to your site, you need to make certain that your site ranks high on the Keywords targetted in your website. If your website deals with a very common term, it would be very tough to get the necessary rank. It is highly recommended to choose the niche of your website with great caution. This decides to a certain extent the CPC and other important parameters.

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What is Search Engine Optimization?

There are millions of webpages added every day to the World Wide Web. How do you get the best and most relevant pages out of these millions? The answer is "Search Engines". The Search Engines are responsible for going through these innumerable pages and sifting out the best from the bunch. Seems tedious right? Yes it is tedious and requires a huge amount of processing and storage to achieve the desired result. So, the next time you write an article and publish it online, you would be faced with the obvious questions: How do i make certain that my page is unique and gets a good feedback from Search Engines?

"This Post tells you the concept of Search Engine Optimization and also tells you ways to achieve a good Page Rank for your website"

"Search Engine Optimization" as the term suggests, is the process of optimizing your webpages for Search Engines. All Search Engines operate primarily on the concept of "Page Rank". This is the process of ranking each webpage on a scale of 10. The more, the better! What factors decide the Page Rank of a certain Page? There are thousands, but the most relevant is 'in-coming links'. The Search Engines operate on a Fundamental Rule, "If the Page has important information, it would be referenced by more relevant pages". It is much like Research Papers, if it is good, it shall be referenced in more Research Journals. Another important factor is 'Keyword Density". Search Engines parse the contents of a webpage to decide if it contains relevant information.

So, if you want to rank high in Search Engine Rankings, the following are a must:-

  • Write Relevant and Unique articles
  • Use Keywords properly to maintain a healthy keyword density
  • Make use of Meta-Tags and Header Text Tags
  • Create as many backlinks as possible
  • Submit Your Blog to Blog Directories
  • Create RSS Feeds and submit them to RSS Directories
  • Write Review articles about your Blog
  • Always Have a "Privacy Page" and "Contact US" on your site
  • Never use Black-Hat Techniques like cloaking

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Yahoo Pipe RSS Feed Aggregator

RSS Feeds have revolutionsed the concept of 'Information Gathering'. You could subscribe to RSS Feeds to get to know the latest articles published on a particular site. You could read the Feeds using specialized Feed Readers. Yahoo has taken this concept a step further and created a very powerful RSS Feed Aggregator called 'Pipes'.

Using Yahoo Pipes you could create your own custom RSS Feed Aggregator. The Software provides a highly intuitive Toolkit which helps you implement highly tricky operations on your RSS Feed. Users could sort the Feed on Publication Date, you could submit website names and automatically get the RSS Feed. You could get articles directly from Yahoo Blog Search and Pipe that output to other such RSS feeds.

You could also preview the output of the Pipe you create. This allows you to fine-tune your Pipe. You could keep your creation private or you could share your creation by Publishing your Pipe. This allows other users to 'clone' your pipe and create other sophisticated Pipes. This promotes reusability and also helps create very powerful Feed aggregators with the minimum effort.

This feature can be used in conjunction with Auto-Blogging softwares which rely on such customized RSS Feeds for their functioning. An eaxmple of such a software is Autoblogged.

If you find this article helpful, do spend some time and drop a note. Constructive suggestions are always welcome! Also, do not forget to subcribe to this site's feed to get many more such helpfull tips.

Auto Blogging WordPress Plugin

Autoblogged is the best-in-class Wordpress Plugin which allows you to create blogs in a very short time. This is good if you want to quickly create a large number of sites. You could get a Single Site license at $60 or an Unlimited Server License at $130. Following are the most striking features of the software:

  • Image and video support
  • Smart built-in tagging engine gets tags from the original article
  • Custom post templates
  • Advanced post filtering
  • Regular Expression Search & Replace
  • Create thumbnails for images
  • Use author info from your own blog
  • Override feed data with your own values
  • Fully supports WordPress 2.6 and later

The software is very easy to use and can be customized to your requirements. You could use the in-built Blog Search feature or you could provide your own customized RSS Feed as the source. The software comes with an option of keeping the post in 'Pending' status to ensure that the Posts published could be reviewed by you before they are published. You could read more about the software by visiting their website.

Note: I could provide an Unlimited Server License at a highly discounted price. Leave a comment with your e-mail id and i shall get in touch with you.

If you find this article helpful, do spend some time and drop a note. Constructive suggestions are always welcome! Also, do not forget to subcribe to this site's feed to get many more such helpfull tips.

Most Rewarding Adsense Keywords

Everybody is trying to find a niche which would get them the greatest PPC. I recently joined Commission Junction and struck Gold on seeing the Advertiser list. I sorted the list to get the names of Advertisers paying the highest commission. This automatically gave me a list of topics which would get the highest PPC.

The following are the topics which would get you the greatest PPC:

  • Life Insurance - Example: America Direct
  • Online Degrees - Example: Why Degree
  • Online Betting - Example: Paddy Power
  • Debt Settlement - Example: Debt Busters
  • Online Sports Betting - Example: Extra Bet
  • Online Home Loans - Example: Lending Tree
  • Online Printing - Example: uPrinting

I would strongly recommend to go setup sites targetting these topics. You could also create websites with the sole intention of being affiliates for these companies. With the world economy facing a recession, we would soon see huge number of unemployed people. This indicates that a job site would also do well in the coming days.

If you are not aware of these topics, you could setup RSS Feed aggregators to get the latest news on these topics. This way you know what to blog. I found 'Pipes' from Yahoo a very powerful RSS Feed Aggregator. I shall shortly write a detailed article on Yahoo Pipes.

If you find this article helpful, do spend some time and drop a note. Constructive suggestions are always welcome! Also, do not forget to subcribe to this site's feed to get many more such helpfull tips.